DVD Un temps mis en conserve - Cesar Paes
A few notes on the shooting of Raoul Peck's "The Man on the Shore" by Cesar Paes.
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© 1993. Velvet Films - Laterit productions
a film by Cesar Paes
a few notes on the shooting of Raoul Peck's "The Man on the Shore"
The contact of Haïtien actors and technicians, "expatriates" with the Haïtien sugar-cane cutters in the Dominican Republic. People living very different experiences but people whose eyes full of pride and tenderness seem to look in the same direction.
The look of the hungry cane-cutters waiting for the gathering of the cut cane (the only day they are paid), the emotion of the actors faced with that situation, the look of the children, a mixture of fatalism, rebellion and hope...