Laterit productions

We are an independent production and distribution company created in May 1988 by filmmakers. To find out more about us, our website:

You will find in this shop DVDs and CDs of our films, as well as works by people we met on the journey...

Food for Thoughts : Litterature, poetry, History, Social sciences, Film and Music concerning Madagascar and the Indian Ocean and many other countries from Africa and the South. Different works that we like and want to stand for:

- the DVDs of our films (An Opera from the Indian Ocean, Mahaleo, Saudade do FuturoAngano... Angano... Tales from Madagascar etc), as well as "Animated window on Madagascar" 4 short animated movies 100% made in Madagascar, or the film "Raketa mena" by Hery Rasolo. In our collection as well, all films by Licinio Azevedo (Mozambique), Zézé Gamboa (Angola), Jean-Marie Teno (Cameroun), Camille Mauduech (Martinique) etc.

- books by Raharimanana, Rado or Aina, but also Art books about Madagascar etc

- CDs you won't be able to find anywhere else : as ALL the Mahaleo's CDs, or "Masoala" the first CD by Madagascar all stars, or "KA" by Seheno

Our shop in Paris is now closed, but you can still order online or meet us at our cultural events. follow us